What is Noni?

Noni is the name the Polynesian people gave to the Morinda Citrifolia plant. It is a plant that grows in tropical climates throughout the world. It`s about the size of a potato, is yellow green in colour and has small bumps all over it. While all parts of the plant were used by the Polynesian people, the fruit, leaf, and seeds were used most often and contain the most potent beneficial compounds for people and are the main components of Morinda,Inc’s * product offering.

Why Tahitian Noni?

While noni grows in tropical climates around the globe, not all noni is the same. In fact, rigorous study has shown that the most potent noni is found in the pristine environment of the Tahitian islands. Nurtured by clean water, rich volcanic soil, bright sun, and a pollution-free air, noni grows year-round.

Morinda,Inc has been a market leader in the development and production of noni-based products since 1996 and is the only company in the world with a dedicated research laboratory for Morinda citrifolia

We source more than 2000 tons of noni fruit ( as puree) every year from family-owned farms in French Polynesia.

You can consume Morinda`s noni products with confidence in knowing the high quality processes in place to ensure the product you consume will deliver the benefits of noni to your body. 

*Morinda,Inc launched as Tahitian Noni International, It is now a proud Partner.Co brand.
